Deciding to Channel
- Daniel and I were both focused on our spiritual and emotional development for years, starting before we even met. We both were spiritual rebels and felt religious traditions to be too confining. We wanted a life with direct experience of divine energy and personal happiness, and we didn’t see that we could find it in an institution or hierarchy. So we began looking into channeled information.
- Daniel had found the channeled entity Lazaris shortly before we met, and we both started seriously studying with him in 1980. We signed up for private readings with Lazaris and asked many questions about our personal development. His answers were so enlightening that every couple of months, we’d fly out of Miami where we lived to a city in California for a weekend with him. There, we’d experience many enlightening personal and spiritual breakthroughs, and learn what I call the “map of the psyche.”
- While the readings we had with Lazaris were remote and via the phone, we also had readings with local channels in South Florida, such as Mataare. Talking to channeled beings and listening to them speak became natural and comfortable for us. However, in 1983, Shirley MacLaine’s “Out on a Limb” hit the best seller list and channeling became rather hip! By the late ‘80’s, hippies had turned en masse into New Agers and engendered a kind of spiritual, non-religious movement.
- Thus, channels began to be more popular. Soon, we found it not so easy to obtain a space in Lazaris’ or Mataare’s schedule. That’s when we realized that we were too dependent on outside input. Thus, we decided to become more emotionally and spiritually self-reliant. We would seek to get answers to our questions on our own. So we decided to practice our psychic abilities. One of us would try to tune in to our own spiritual helpers, guides, or personal intuition to receive answers to the questions the other one would ask on what we were curious about.
- I remember lying down and visualizing my guides and saying hello to them. Once I felt I was connected enough, Daniel asked me questions that could be answered by a yes or a no. When he asked his question, I looked to see if my guides were nodding their heads up and down for yes or left and right for no. I didn’t hear any answers at first, only visual cues. At other times, Daniel would lie down and I would ask him for answers. If you’ve ever done muscle testing (kinesiology), this is similar, but much, much slower!
- Although both of us could, with some patience, get yes and no answers, I began to “see” additional pictures and “hear” words and phrases. I was developing my psychic ability! As we continued to practice, I began to get more contextual information, such as conditions for the yes or no answers, or other side issues to consider. Sometimes the guides would show me the projected futures for Daniel or I regarding the different options we were considering. Daniel wasn’t getting this additional information, so naturally I became the person lying down every time!
- Over time, I received more and more complex interpretations of the answers. Although this was helpful in answering a few of our many questions, it didn't go deep enough. I noticed that if I had any issue, anxiety, or concern about the answer, or I thought it significant or important, I would have too much difficulty getting any information. Often, the information would be shallow, partial, distorted or inaccurate in
- some way. This, I realized, was my ego getting in the way of my receptivity.